
Friday, September 28, 2012

The Power of Miracle and Healing Prayer

Just wanna share this two powerful prayers to all of you, how these prayers played an important role to me that made so many wonderful miracles and changes in my spiritual life.

While I am far away from my country and my family, I have nobody to talk to, to cling with and nobody to share what's going on with my life until I found these prayers that was given to me by a friend way back home.  The thoughts and the deeper meaning of these prayers served as a great inspiration to me to go on and continue expressing it from within my heart day and night over and over again trusting for His purpose to prevail and that He may gave me the gift of grace to heal me, not only the body but also the heart, mind, spirit and the soul.

This was the best ever experience I had with these simple prayers yet so powerful that it reached beyond heavens, how God hears my prayers and how God touched, moved and transformed my whole life into a whole renewed being.

How these prayers works mysteriously in my life was beyond words, how God touched my heart amazingly is unexplainable, words are not enough to say how grateful I am to God for this wonderful miracle He's done to me, to my life, to my home and family and to everything I ask from Him.

He is really a God of control, and He knows when to answer prayers and He really does, in His perfect time.

Below is my Healing Prayer that would be prayed and delivered after the Miracle Prayer.  You can try these prayers by yourself from now on and see the wonders of God.  This will inspire us how God was delighted by our actions that He never fails to answer our heart's desire.

Never cease praying and talking to Him, and may you received many blessings, healing and miracle.
Always remember, "God is working in ways we cannot see."

Be blessed,
 Nonie f.