"HEALTHY FOOD FOR THE SOUL" is a Collection of Inspiring Quotes, God's Word, Gospel Readings, Prayers, Bible Verses, God's Beautiful Creations, Bo Sanchez' Practical Soulfood Thoughts and Testimonies of True to Life Stories of God's Goodness and Miracles to Feed our Souls as our Daily Dose of Inspiration to a Healthy, Meaningful and Abundant Spiritual Life.
Friday, October 19, 2012
Prayer To Take Authority
I just want to share with you this powerful prayer, the Prayer to Take Authority which was the opening prayer of every Catholic Charismatic Renewal Community, especially here in our little community in Sto.Niño Parish Church, Cadiz City. We made this as our opening prayer before we started our prayer meetings, fellowship gatherings and Bible Enthronements, entrusting all to God to pour out His Holy Spirit on us and on our midst overflowing us the gifts of His Spirit, filling our hearts with love, joy and peace.
This is part of my active spiritual life every Mondays as our prayer meeting day, and every Sunday our Bible Enthronement where we spread the Good News in every homes and families mostly those who haven't accepted Jesus in their lives yet. We inspired and encouraged them to attend the Holy Mass every Sunday, hear and listen to His Words through the Gospel, participate in worshiping God through the Liturgy of the Holy Eucharist as the highest form of prayer and worship, and received His Body and Blood though the Sacrament of the Holy Communion. Our goal is to bring more people closer to God by sharing them His wonderful Words through Bible sharing, true to life testimonies of God's wonderful gifts of healing, blessings and miracles.
God really works mysteriously in my life, He brought me closer to this community and the people here welcomed and embraced me wholeheartedly as I started my life anew, as they witnessed how God transformed me in so many ways, how I am submitting myself fully to His Will and Purpose. If only I could share to you a novel of my life-story, you too will be amazed how God does many miracles in my life.
Perhaps, in due time I can gradually reveal to you from the very start how my life started as a sinner. But God do really loves us so much that He won't allow us to be thrown into the pit of darkness. He will always be there ready to save us if we just submit ourselves fully to Him and let His will be done for us and trust in His loving kindness.
Life with God is full of love, joy, peace and compassion. He knows all our needs and He provides it abundantly, more than we ask for and expect. He listen and fulfill every desires of our hearts. Walking with Him leads us in the righteous path through His Kingdom. So, let us be prayerful enough as we struggle in getting closer to Him all the days of our lives and let us ask His gift of grace that we may be able to walk with Him in faith, love and compassion with others and may He bless and use us to be a blessing also to other people most in need not only financially but above all, spiritually. And may God bless all the works in our hands as we prepare our souls in His final coming.
By the way, this is also a powerful prayer especially in most critical and needed times of our lives. I can still remember of the intensity 5.9 quake which hit the Island of Negros last Feb. 2012 that caused many deaths, damage and homeless families, and it lasted for longer minutes, but rather than panic, I gathered my family members and prayed this Prayer to Take Authority, so that God and His angels will take care of everything and God will be in control. And it does worked, it will ease and relax your mind and spirit in His care. You can try this too and feel God's presence. May we will always gather in prayers and proclaim His goodness no matter the time or the place and may we be always prepared on His coming and calling to us for the last and final days of our lives. "To God Be All The Glory!"
Always remember, "God is working in ways we cannot see."
Be blessed,
Nonie f.
Friday, September 28, 2012
The Power of Miracle and Healing Prayer
Just wanna share this two powerful prayers to all of you, how these prayers played an important role to me that made so many wonderful miracles and changes in my spiritual life.
While I am far away from my country and my family, I have nobody to talk to, to cling with and nobody to share what's going on with my life until I found these prayers that was given to me by a friend way back home. The thoughts and the deeper meaning of these prayers served as a great inspiration to me to go on and continue expressing it from within my heart day and night over and over again trusting for His purpose to prevail and that He may gave me the gift of grace to heal me, not only the body but also the heart, mind, spirit and the soul.
This was the best ever experience I had with these simple prayers yet so powerful that it reached beyond heavens, how God hears my prayers and how God touched, moved and transformed my whole life into a whole renewed being.
How these prayers works mysteriously in my life was beyond words, how God touched my heart amazingly is unexplainable, words are not enough to say how grateful I am to God for this wonderful miracle He's done to me, to my life, to my home and family and to everything I ask from Him.
He is really a God of control, and He knows when to answer prayers and He really does, in His perfect time.
Below is my Healing Prayer that would be prayed and delivered after the Miracle Prayer. You can try these prayers by yourself from now on and see the wonders of God. This will inspire us how God was delighted by our actions that He never fails to answer our heart's desire.
Never cease praying and talking to Him, and may you received many blessings, healing and miracle.
Always remember, "God is working in ways we cannot see."
Be blessed,
Nonie f.
Friday, August 10, 2012
Manila, Philippines - Habagat Flood - August 7, 2012
These words were all I can utter when I watched from the television what happened during the monsoon heavy rains that causes massive floodings in Metro Manila and the surrounding provinces last August 7, 2012, and I think much worst than what had happened during typhoon Ondoy last September 2009 because almost 90% of the whole Metro Manila and nearest provinces were affected.
Marikina-Photo By HANDOUT/REUTERS Wed, Aug 8, 2012 |
It brought me into tears seeing these people and every families on top of their houses shouting for help, others were fighting for their lives in high waters, others were trapped inside their homes desperately waiting for help, houses and furnitures were swift away by the flood, so many families lost their homes, but the most tragic of all, seeing a lifeless body drowned into waters and some were electrocuted. It is very hard to imagine these things happening in our country.
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Marikina City |
And it was so painful, my heart was broken watching these people in this very difficult situation, I could do nothing but pray, that's all I can help during that very moment, get my rosary and pray intended for all the flood victims around the Philippines, crying over my prayers that the rain would stop ASAP so that the flood in every areas will subside, no more lives will be lost and no more additional homeless people to evacuate in different centers, and to ease the pain and sufferings of every Filipinos who have undergone this very painful experience caused by these natural calamities.
The death toll right this day rose to 60 and the evacuees almost reach a million in different centers but the damage is not so very large compared from Ondoy, yet the life of the victims were very miserable and desperately needing our prayers, help and support in cash and in kind.
Marikina-Photo By CHERYL RAVELO/Reuters Wed,
Aug 8, 2012
Their willingness and submission to this task is amazingly extraordinary, always thinking of saving other people's lives risking their own.
I still remember one rescuer before at the height of typhoon Ondoy, he was so busy saving other people in another place while his own family was at risk in their own home.
A sad story indeed, but service to mankind is always their priority. They must be given credits and standing ovation by our government, how they did their job well in a situation like this.
Not only giving credits to our mighty rescuers but also to those brave ordinary men and women who have always a ready heart to help save the life of their neighbors and nearest people in their areas, not even thinking of the danger they are facing but a helping hand they could extend to another within reach.
I really salute to these kind of people helping others not expecting anything in return.
Giving credits and salutations also to different organizations and individuals who speedily extended their help and donations in cash and in kind to all the victims of these disasters, and always have a ready heart and pocket to spend for the needs of these victims.
If only all that are able enough to help these people will just come out and give all their best to help and support these less fortunate ones, perhaps our country will be the happiest place on earth to live.
While Typhoon Sendong had striken more in Mindanao and the Visayan province, but the damage was so big losing almost 500 lives and thousands lost their homes. I was not still in the country when these typhoons occurred, but I was weeping in front of my computer almost everyday reading and watching the news praying for our country's protection from these natural calamities.
You can do good deed to others most in need with just your comforting words, instead of just hanging around with others and being sarcastic with your words in blaming others. Or you can just stay quiet in prayer, and pray for all those who are affected that they may recovered fast and will see hope again and have the strength to start their lives over again.
Let's just help regain each others hopes and strengths, help build each others homes and dreams again, encourage and inspire everyone that a beautiful future still awaits us. Be an inspiration to others instead of desperation, let's do something and try to make a difference in this world, even little things mean so much to others.
May these painful experiences had taught us how to take care of God's creation, be responsible enough to take care of the most important creations God has given us - our family, our homes, our livelihood, our lives, our environment - are one big place called Mother Earth. We can do our best to take care of everything but neglect that they're all in one place, and regret later to see that they can all be wiped out in just a blink of an eye. But all is not lost. Hope springs eternal. Yet, we need to act fast on that hope.
May this will also be a wake up call to every body and will served as a very important reminder to each one of us that we have just one temporary life here on earth. And our permanent home will be in His Kingdom in Heaven. Everything that was happening here on earth is in accordance to His plan and purpose and it is always His Will be done for us.
My prayers to all the Filipino people. God bless our country Philippines!
Only faith and trust in our Savior can make us stronger everyday in every storms that we are facing. We cannot feel any fear if we are in a deeper relationship with God. Whatever disasters and calamities that come in our lives, we always know what to do, and be prepared for whatever will happen to us. Prayers will always be our weapon in all trials and challenges in our lives.
We have nothing to be feared or scared of because there's always one Savior in our midst ready to protect us from all evils. Be always ready, pray everyday, reconcile to God and surrender your life to Him. Trust that in every storm He is always there ready to pull us in the waters of misery.
Let me end this with my favorite night prayer, full of trust and hope for His protection and loving mercy.
"The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not
be in want. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet
waters, he restores my soul. He guides me in paths of righteousness for his
name’s sake. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I
will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort
me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my
head with oil; my cup overflows. Surely goodness and love will follow me all
the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever." - Psalm 23
Remember, "God is always working in ways we cannot see."
Be blessed,
Nonie f.
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
"Children As Angels" The Greatest In The Kingdom
"I tell you the truth, unless you turn from your sins and become like little children, you will never get into the Kingdom of Heaven. So anyone who becomes as humble as this little child, is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven." (Matthew 18:3-4 NLT)
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http://www.flickr.com/photos/7926983@N07/1380999649 |
Indeed, children are God's angels so perfect and so pure.
are God's gift to us and they are our life's precious treasures that
gave us the reason to live and face life's everyday struggles, to survive in every difficult situations, and they will always be the reason why life is worth living for.
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http://www.flickr.com/photos/27350117@N02/5487586192 |
The future of this child lies in our hands, the way we raised our child will reflect at the time when they grew up.
I really believed that there is no bad children, but only bad parents.
We should always pour out all our love to our children, no matter how they grew up through the influence of our society, we should never stop nourishing our love, patience and compassion to them,
and to pray for them as they grow up in their fields building their own future.
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http://www.flickr.com/photos/12078789@N00/3470505429 |
Like these little children, God teaches us humility as we go along our journey with Him, we must obey His
words and remain humble like these little ones for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.
And we must preserved the life of these innocent ones, never to hurt them or threw them out to abortion.
We don't have any right to take someone's life, most especially the innocents.
Let us give them the chance to feel our love, to see and enjoy the beauty of this world.
I end this simple thoughts about children, please allow me to share to
you one of Bo Sanchez' email about these angels who has visited him
during his PICC Feast only recently just before his birthday.
was really touched by this story and encouraged each one of you to take
part of this ministry of the Kerygma Family to continue helping these
unfortunate ones, most especially these little angels that needed most
of our help.
are so precious and they deserved to be given the chance to see the
beauty of this universe and to live a wonderful life here on earth.
Bro. Bo's letter:
15 Angels
A group of unseen guests came to my pre-birthday celebration.No, this is not a horror story.
While it is true that invisible beings came to visit me, they were not ghosts.
Let me explain.
Over there in Pasig, we are quietly running a sanctuary called Grace To Be Born shelter.
(One of the ministries supported by your Kerygma Family, this is dedicated to saving the unborn from abortion, providing pregnant mothers in crisis with sanctuary, and caring for abandoned babies.)
Our Grace To Be Born mothers and staff always attend - without fail - the Sunday Feasts in Valle Verde.
A kindly Light of Jesus Family member (that’s the “physical” community I lead, while KerygmaFamily is the “virtual” community) with a huge van picks them up and returns them to Grace shelter. And they are being blessed.
We don't just give them free meals, free medicines, free maternity expense. We give them spiritual nourishment and they love it.
The weekly Feasts in fact triggered some healings of memories, recovery from their trauma, and even reconciliation with their parents.
Sometime in June, in a meeting with staff, volunteers and mothers, the latter made this request: "Sana po makita naman namin si Bro. Bo Sanchez, kahit minsan lang..."
A ministry servant answered “Since it is extremely difficult to catch that alien Bo Sanchez, we found a solution. If Mohammed does not want to go to the mountain, let the mountain come to Mohammed.”
So the unanimous decision was for them to experience the PICC Feast and see the alien Bo Sanchez.
They contacted the van owner and wow, a member of her family attends the PICC Feast also! And she agreed to bring all the mothers and staff to PICC on July 8.
Nobody in that meeting was aware that July 8 was very near my birthday.
And so 15 pregnant mothers came to attend the July 8 Feast in PICC. (I noticed that 9 of the 15 mothers are teen-agers. So sad.)
Many had thought of abortion, and some had actually attempted but failed. Thank God, the babies are saved.
Did I say earlier that invisible beings came to visit me?
Yes. 15 babies inside the wombs of 15 mothers came to visit me.
Correction: No, not 15 babies.
15 angels.
May your dreams come true,
Bo Sanchez
PS. If you want to help out and support Grace To Be Born and all our other exciting ministries, click here.
How We Support You, How We Support Them
KerygmaFamily is an international, borderless, virtual, and non-physical community of people who want to grow in their spiritual life together. We support our members by sending them daily Bible reflections and a monthly digital copy of Kerygma magazine for free.
As part of its mission, KerygmaFamily also supports 10 independent and autonomous organizations for the poor and evangelism: Anawim, a home for the abandoned elderly; Light of Jesus Counseling Center;
Grace to be Born center for pregnant women in crisis, Tahanan ng Pagmamahal Orphanages, Pagasa ng Pamilya, scholarships for poor children; He Cares streetkids ministry; a Light of Jesus Prison ministry; Shepherds Voice Publications; and Shepherds Voice Radio and TV Foundation.
Some of these ministries were founded by Bo Sanchez. But because Bo is focused on his primary mission of preaching and writing, he has already turned over these dynamic ministries to others more capable than him. Today, these organizations stand on their own. They’re independent and autonomous from Bo’s virtual community, KerygmaFamily and from Bo’s physical community, Light of Jesus Family. The 10 organizations above are now led by dedicated men and women who sacrifice their lives for God’s work. Though no longer their Chairman, Bo continues to partner and support them.
We thank you so much for all your support to God’s work and to God’s poor. For any questions, please email us at support@kerygmafamily.com.
Always remember, "God is working in ways we cannot see"
Be blessed,
Nonie f.
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
"Feast Declaration of Abundance"
It's my very first time to attend the FEAST at PICC and I am so overwhelmed by the number of people who attended, people from all over the country from all walks of life, families gathering together around, happy people everywhere, wow..it was such an amazing experience for me who came from the Visayan province, witnessed how the FEAST really moved and transformed me during that time. The FEAST really is the best and happy place to be for every one, a great feeling and experience for me indeed.
I was really inspired by this opening prayer "The Declaration of Abundance", where Bro. Bo Sanchez before opening his Bible and starting his powerful talk of God's Words and Wisdom, declared this prayer of abundance first and it feels so good and so blessed, so powerful that it touches something deep within me, and this encouraged and inspired me to make this image and post it here, to share this also to others who has not been reached by the FEAST yet.
From then on , this serves as my morning prayer, every time I woke up in the morning this words and prayers comes out in me and this made me start my day with a happy and positive thoughts and atmosphere, and full of hope that God will bless and guide my day and make it more meaningful one for me.
This is also part of the FEAST's prayer of thanksgiving. I loved this prayer so much..full of hope and full of love, such powerful words to start your day. I really encouraged everyone to try attending the FEAST and I'll guarantee you, it will be a big day for you to celebrate and experience the goodness of the Lord. Be part of the Kerygma Family here and you will be guided to the different FEAST locations around the Philippines and even outside the country. If you are just living in Manila and the nearest provinces, you have this great opportunity to change your life and your family relationships. You will never regret this privilege God is calling you, be part of this community, be changed and do make a difference in this world.
To be a part of the Kerygma Family is a lifetime fulfillment, but I am still looking forward to be a part of the Life of Jesus community, because I do believed that I can do much more for God and other people, yet, the FEAST is still not reaching our place, but always praying that it will reach Cadiz City, Negros Occidental very very soon and be a part of this spiritual community.
And my other prayer also is to meet Bro. Bo Sanchez in person here in our place, hear his words of wisdom to continue touching me and molding me to be a more loving and forgiving person. He already changed so many lives only by his words, and I am so proud to say that I am one of them. And it's only by God's gift of grace that it may happen. So let us not stop asking His gift of grace for us to change and renew us to be a better Christian.
Remember, "God is always working in ways we cannot see."
Be blessed,
Nonie f.
Thursday, July 5, 2012
God's Word Refreshes My Soul
God really works in mysterious ways we cannot see nor we understand. He gave His life for us to understand the true meaning of our existence. As He let me understand and realized my worth for showing His goodness and faithfulness to me that made me changed what I am today, far from what I am yesterday. Every time I saw God's beautiful creations with it's Bible Verses or God's Words and Wisdom in it in any social media means, I've always been touched, moved, inspired and motivated. And it deepens more of my faith and love for Him. I was like a little child clinging to Him asking His mercy and forgiveness. He rested my soul in His Words and embrace.
In my 47 years, God has been faithful to me, but at an early age of 14, I started being unfaithful to Him. For the past 30+ years of my life, I've sinned so many times, repented and sinned over and over again. I enjoyed the life of a free person, free to sin and free to do whatever I wanted to. I was so drunk with so much happiness and enjoyment that I almost forgot the most loving and forgiving God who's in charged of so many gifts and blessings in my life. I've been an overseas foreign worker in other country for six years, enjoyed so much the life of being away from home, temptations everywhere, sinning and turning away from Him.
After six years, I returned home and started my own venture in different kinds of businesses, never realizing all the sins and mistakes I've done and still continue doing. What a waste of time and resources. I really believed now that a business that was not offered to Him and prayed for it, will just perish. It was so true, after five years of enjoying the fruit of my business without God, it started shaking and gradually moving down, until my mother got sick, been admitted many times in the hospital and there goes all that I've been working hard for..until all these businesses collapsed not still realizing of turning back to Him, until I lost everything that I've been working so hard for six years.
What a wasted life away from Him, until the realization came. I didn't understand His ways of showing His love and mercy to me, but I felt it, I started talking to Him, crying and asking for forgiveness, I surrendered everything in my life. I've learned holding and reading the Bible by myself, became so prayerful, nobody guided me but the Holy Spirit who's always there leading me in my darkest moment. I became so hungry in His words that I started searching in every way for somebody who can guide me in my spiritual journey, until I found the "Kerygma Family", a virtual spiritual group that lifted me up to be a better person, Bro. Bo Sanchez was a great mentor to me, I was inspired, touched and motivated only by his words, his ministries, his books, his stories and the Kerygma Feast audios and videos I've heard and watched from time to time, and in only a matter of months, I was spiritually healed. And this was the greatest gift of grace I've ever experienced in my entire life from our forgiving God. Nothing is really so impossible when you truly seek Him in your heart.
Right now, I'm still struggling with my faith, I was so thankful God has given me the chance to change the dark side of me and renewed my life in His perfect time. I was so thankful with my spiritual family and community who had helped me in my struggle. The love and support of my family and friends who never lost faith in me, my brothers and sisters in Christ and our Charismatic community, and with all the help of social media tools that had reached me strengthen and deepen my faith more than I could ever imagine. I just want you to pray for me with my struggle through righteousness, may I'll never fall again in all the temptations I'm going to cross and face in my spiritual journey with God. And may this will also serve as an inspiration to all of you who are struggling in life right now, that may His light will shine to you and His gift of grace be upon you and lead you to the right path of your life.
"To God Be All The Glory". Amen!
"God is working in ways we cannot see."
Be blessed,
Nonie f.
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